
12 ways of how 1! can improve your physical and mental health

Some of you may remember in your high school algebra class, the term factorials. You know, the one that had an exclamation mark after the number.

No, it didn’t mean screaming the number with excitement. In general, it’s the product of 1 to n

So 1!, in particular,  Literally and figuratively Inspired me to talk about the most important person in our lives and how do we care for that special someone.

A couple of weeks ago Valentines day was celebrated throughout the country .Some of you showed appreciation toward your loved ones by buying flowers, candies, etc. While that was great and dandy, did you show love for yourself? I don’t mean necessary buying those things, but in general do you spend quality time with yourself at all?


We usually spend most of our time focusing on other loved ones, our goals and achievements,  which is great. However, when it becomes to a point you slowly abandon yourself to help others, or focus a lot more on your accomplishments, that’s when it becomes a problem.


It needs to be a requirement that we have some time for ourselves. Besides we’re human, not robots…heck they need a maintenance check every once in awhile themselves. So for the last week in the month of love, try at least 12 things you can do in your “You” time.



  1. Get a professional massage or let a love one return the favor and get a free one
  2. Meditate 
  3. Drink water 
  4. Laugh until you cry by watching a movie or a tv show
  5. Write in your thoughts and/or your gratitudes in a journal
  6. Stop and smell/look at the flowers or watch clouds
  7. Take a 20 minute nap 
  8. Read a book 
  9. Dance to your favorite music 
  10. Get a mani/pedi
  11. Go on a date with yourself
  12. Give yourself a mask facial 

And many more. The point is do something for yourself that will enhance you either physically, mentally or spiritually and wouldn’t harm anyone.


How would you spend your “you” time? Let us know in the comments below.

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